Dragon Age: Origins, Part 3: Permanently Frozen

Nov 01, 2010 12:00

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Virgin Alistair rejects Virgin Elissa's invitation to her bed. Teagan sees an opportunity anonymous August 15 2010, 05:35:00 UTC

Elissa and Alistair have a fight. They've reached adoring stage.Elissa wants them to make love but Alistair is scared and not ready.
Elissa is fed up from leading the group, she is mad because she does so much. She is burnt out, frustrated and gets in a fight with Alistair. Wynne suggests their leader needs a rest. Alistair and Wynne agreed to lead the group. (Cue to an amused Morrigan who knows what Teagan is up to)
Teagan feels he is the man to help Elissa's **needs** and believes Alistair is not worthy of her beauty or strength. She is easily seduced and they have incredible sex.

Bonus: Teagan tells her to take Alistair's virginity when its time but that she will always be his

Double Bonus: Morrigan is nicer to Elissa because she knows Elissa is not as pure as she acts.


oops forgot to add ---> anonymous August 15 2010, 05:36:23 UTC
Teagan listens to the fight and thats when he sees an opportunity. ;)


PART ONE! anonymous August 22 2010, 23:53:40 UTC
"Alistair I don't understand what you're afraid of. You know how I feel for you. I don't want to die without making love. I want to experience it all. The pain. The pleasure. And I want to share this with you ( ... )


Re: PART ONE! draganon August 23 2010, 18:06:26 UTC

I do so love an assertive Teagan!


PART TWO! anonymous August 23 2010, 23:28:22 UTC
That night Teagan lay in bed, aroused and unable to stop himself from from thinking about Elissa. He had wanted her from the moment he laid eyes on her. She was so beautiful and commanding when walking in the chantry. Those smoldering green eyes, firm breasts and the way she had her hair down. The rumors about her beauty were not hearsay. He would be the envy of the bannorn to have a wife like her ( ... )


Re: PART TWO! anonymous August 23 2010, 23:36:14 UTC
Yes, I'll do it. Look for it a little later tonight!


err Part 3 anonymous August 23 2010, 23:37:07 UTC
I probably should've mentioned that the thing I would do is Part 3 oops


Part 3 anonymous August 24 2010, 01:53:56 UTC
As much as Teagan wanted to bury himself into Elissa’s hot slit and fuck her until the only thing Junior Teagan spit out was dust, he realized that a virgin such as Elissa would need to be charmed and romanced in order to make her his. So he made plans ( ... )


Re: Part 3 anonymous August 24 2010, 01:55:35 UTC
ooookay, someone else take Part 4! Anchor!


Part 4 anonymous August 24 2010, 20:41:32 UTC
"Remember Teagan, It was planned that I was staying behind to rest while the group went to Denerim to look for Genitivi." Elissa could feel him pull her closer against him

"I can't believe..."

"The moment I saw you in the chantry, I thought you devastatingly handsome."

Teagan's face was a mere few inches from Madeline's. As his hazel eyes held hers, and they just looked at each other for what seemed like an eternity.

"And I have wanted you from the first moment I saw you."
He touched her cheek and crushed his lips onto hers.


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