Elsie is Sick! Radiation in the Milk Supply in the Pacific North west!

Mar 30, 2011 22:31

Hello Lj: I rarely go on Lj anymore as Facebook is King. However, it was on the news today that the first measurable levels of the Isotope for Iodine 133 coming from Japan was found in the milk supply in the P.N.W.today. Yes, it's a 'tiny' amount, and 'nothing to be concerned about'. But, within a few months more of Elsie's Friends will become sick, and the 'tiny' amount will increase to the level where milk will become unsafe to kids, and things will go south from there. My supply of Seakelp and Potassium Iodine is safely in my room. I took my first kelp pill today and had a nice dinner of trout, full of life preserving Iodine. No Thyroid Cancer is me! What about you? If you have kids, don't wait. I received my Seakelp from Puritan's Pride. Great deals and free shipping. You may have to shop around for the Potassium Iodine, but prices are dirt cheap.

O.K, there is your warning. Remember the immortal words of Mr. Crowley:

"The Abnormal Man, who forsees the trend of the times, is persecuted...but he and his heirs, when the crises comes, are SURVIVORS!"

Love is the law, love under will.

93, Dragonactor.
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