(no subject)

May 01, 2007 09:14

It's that time of year again.

Melou is sort of surprised he was able to get through the festivities without getting angry enough to punch someone. He wanted to, of course, but thought he showed remarkable restraint in not following through. Bri helped, too, and he thinks he might even have enjoyed parts of it for once.

Last year, he didn't get a festival. He got to watch his unworthy cousin being given a throne that wasn't his. He got to make sure Mele didn't lose it and do something rash that might have ended up with one or both of them dead. He got to worry about his mother. Not that that was really anything new.

This year, Melou's avoided his brother, for the most part. He doesn't want to talk about it. It's bad enough he has to remember when he goes to check on their mother, for whom this day is worse than most. But he does. It's his job, to make sure she's all right, even though she never is.

Finally, once all obligations have been fulfilled, there's only one thing left to do. Drink. And Melou intends to do so until he can't see straight.

wales, oom

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