I am so excited that I get to see Johnny Rotten tonight! I bought the tickets for The Elf's birthday present and was actually able to keep it a secret for three weeks, until they came in the mail one day and he opened them. Oops. But it's ok, because we have been excited together since then. He has seen PIL before, when they toured with New Order and the Sugarcubes, but this will be a first for me. *bounce bounce*
PS: Never mind. The concert has been cancelled. Supposedly due to bad weather in Wyoming. I am very very bummed. But I did just buy a Wii gaming system today for work, and if I have to look on the bright side, The Elf and I are going to try that out. I want to learn how to do it before Game Night on Friday. And there's a new Dr. Who tonight. And we can BOTH drink all we want and not worry about getting a DUI on the way to our comfy bed.
But still...I was really looking forward to seeing so many people I knew in one place too. Damn it.
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