Feb 09, 2005 16:23
wow what is it with this world how come no one can keep their FUCKING ideas to their god damn selves or their own little fucking hands i swear to go every ignoramuses answer to a problem is to come out swinging which is starting to piss me off i olmost rolled a fucking concrete pipe on someone because they wouldent leave my friend nick alone i socked him in the jaw spun around and steped on the back of his shin and started to push this big ass pipe thing corse he got up and ran like a little bitch 5 minutes later this honorless dog comes back with 5 of his friends i walk away THREEE FUCKING THREE times and this prick wont leave me and my friend alone so i went to town with a steel pipe of corse I got suspened cause iam "bigger" no it dosent matter that they were 10th graders AND THERE WERE FUCKING 5 OF THEM CORSE NOT this is pissing me off no body bothers to lend a helping hand i swear someone knocked someone down papers everywhere what do they say " WATCH WHERE THE FUCK YOUR GOING" and walks away so i helped the kid but this is pissin me off i know iam saying iam being pissed off alot cause iam the fucking in humanity that most people have shrunk to these days is enough for me to snap someones neck *which i olmost did* fucker came at me i dodged to the side kneed him in the stomach and started steping on his neck so do this for me do it for a soul looking to help if you see someone needs a helping hand at least pitch in a little to go out of your way and help your fellow man this is my philosiphy this the the philosiphy of the guardian of the fallen
MESS WITH THE BEST DIE LIKE THE REST-united states marines