Apr 25, 2004 01:49
Shauna, remember I bet you how Blind would react to your picture? I win. ^_^
DuReSsEvolved: But shes actually kinda pretty
DuReSsEvolved: Im sure i told her that once to.
DuReSsEvolved: XCuz she tried to convince me that she was fat
DuReSsEvolved: but really shes niot.
While he was less "OMG"dish than expected, I got the general reaction right. lol.
(Oh, and a follow up.)
DuReSsEvolved: and and jon are here
DuReSsEvolved: they say shaunsa not bad either
DuReSsEvolved: gg.
So, in conclusion:
I'm tired.
I win. (Not only do I win, Shauna got gg'd, albeit indirectly. =P)