Last week I blogged about
procrastination-with videos. I thought it would be an easy, fun way to get my Wednesday blogging done. Thing is, I learned something about myself.
To review: According to one of the videos I posted, there are three types of procrastinators. 1. Relaxed. This is the most common type, and is mostly avoidance of hard work. 2. Genius. This type of person waits until the last minute because they know they can. The result might not be great, but it’s passable. 3. Avoidance. This type has good intentions, but tends not to follow through. They are not good at time management and frequently become overwhelmed. Basically, they avoid because they’re apprehensive.
I’ve been guilty all three types of procrastination, but I firmly believe I’m primarily #3. I avoid and hope the issue will go away. Sometimes it actually works, but most of the time I’m just overwhelmed and behind. I don’t know if this is part of the pattern, but I tend to take on more than I can possibly do, then feel like a failure when I don’t meet my own, impossible, goals.
I really do mean well, I intend to do what I say I’m going to do-what I want to do. Thing is, I worry too much. OK, I’ll admit it. I’m scared. Scared of success? Failure? Don’t know. Just scared. Afraid of making a mistake, I guess. If I don’t try, I won’t have to face success or failure.
Now that I’m aware of the reasons behind my procrastination problem. I’m hoping to find ways to defeat my procrastinating ways.
Have a good week, and I hope the weather is good where you are.
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