May 04, 2008 16:18
One of the percussion majors approached me after the concert and told me how he really liked the tile installation - and how he told all the other percussion guys to "just come into the stairwell - no I'm not going to tell you what it is, just come see this!" He said that they all played the tiles up and down the staircase, and he wants to buy some of them! Pretty cool. I have them slated for another few installations, but I have an entire box extra that I didn't use on the stair railings (because I forgot about them) that I could let go. He said that percussion guys are always looking for interesting new sounds, and these were some of the coolest he'd seen so far. I wonder what they would sound like lined up like a marimba? I love the sound of the wooden keys... it makes me wonder what ceramic ones would sound like! :)
Also, greek paper = 80% done...
and I went to the zoo today! :D :D :D thanks Sam!!