I love Classic Megaman and ONLY classic Megaman. X started out okay, then took a right turn straight into emo town. Legends graphics aged badly and Navi was a another generic Digimon ripoff with Megaman characters. I think Classic had a sort of wonky innocence that the spinoffs lost.
So this guy
http://www.youtube.com/user/hyadain2525 makes classic Megaman (Rockman for you otaku) music videos about the Megaman 2 Robot Masters. His remixes are original lyrics sung to the tune of the boss's stage music and they usually incorporate sound effects from the game into the background. I cannot stress how awesome these videos are.
The funniest part is all the Robot Masters are obsessed with Megaman in some way. Crash Man's remix (CRASH!! Let's Do It!) is all about how he just wants to bone Megaman. Quickman's is about a selfish person/robot getting completely tangled up in love. Metalman's is about fickleness and how he knows he'll just hurt anyone he loves. Flashman and Bubbleman's are about longing for someone you cannot have, but Bubbleman's is much more depressing since his fight with Megaman was the only humanoid contact the deep sea bot's ever had.
The newest one is Heatman. It's just about sex and lust. It's not clear just who the hell he's having sex with, man or woman. Of the remixes, his and Quickman's are my favorite.
English subtitled versions are on Youtube. Just search "Hyadain subbed" and they all should come up.
In related news, I wish someone would post videos of the Megaman Battle and Chase endings. I also wish the site that was scanlating the Rockman Remix manga hadn't died. Way to fail Megaman fandom. D8