Oct 22, 2007 05:30
Hey, you guys don't mind if I concoct and execute a diabolical plan that will result in the sudden failure of our sun's solar fusion yet not affect the general layout of the solar system in any vast immediate degree, therefore having the end effect of ridding Earth of all life thanks to the freezing cold alone?
Basically the only plans I've got at the moment are, either...
1) Temporarily suspend choice laws of nuclear physics at the atomic level in a localized fashion such that only our sun is affected. This would be great, only I don't really HAVE a "playing god" machine handy at the moment.
2) Remove a substantial amount of the interior mass of the sun to reduce its mass below the level required for fusion- or, alternatively, just bite the bullet and move the sun the hell away. Unfortunately, I also lack a giant scoopy-thing, the power of the Force, or a Stargate. Further, I'm not particularly willing to get *closer* to the million-degree ball of fire. I want to be colder now.
And finally, in the event that we *didn't* all freeze to death in a matter of hours, the gravitational implications of the sudden removal of...well, basically everything that's keeping Earth in the solar system...would make it highly likely that we'd perish in a fiery impact with some other rock. Which would *again* be hot and I don't want hot.
I'd be tempted to go try to sleep outside where it's cooler, but the insects are in heavy force out there. I mean *heavy*.
Now, anyone under the misconception that I'm even vaguely manly, you'll lose it the instant you see me encounter a large cockroach. It's probably quite amusing from the outside- I, being me, wouldn't know. All I know is I see a big bug thing. My brain goes to Code Red.
God forbid a bug gets ON me. It's the end then. I'll jump, flail, slap every part of myself. If I had a gun at the time I would honestly not be surprised if I just shot the damn thing, and whatever part of me it was on. The logic centre just doesn't *function* in a Code Red.
Bugs and, to a lesser extent, geese. My twin Achilles' Heels. Ever faced down a goose? They rage with fury. They're comparatively small and frail, but damn if they won't crank down and charge like a bloody knight on horseback. Gaggles of geese are bad things. They're ALL bad-tempered. It's a very curious thing to take on, too, because you'll just see this gaggle of perfectly peaceful white things.
Then they spot you, and with Special Forces discipline, as one mind, they lower their heads, open their beaks, and give this "WAAAAAAARK" battlecry whilst picking up speed in your direction.
Fear for your ankles, ladies and gents. There is a reason I wear boots.