ooc; application

Sep 20, 2008 16:38

Name/Nickname: Dagger
AIM/E-mail/Contact: mikonohana / chibiandor@hotmail.com
LJ: usagi_no_hime

Canon Character and Series: Lord Cao Cao or Lord Cao Mendge of Wei [Dynasty Warriors/RTK]
In-Game Name: Commander Cao Cao [Cao Mengde]
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Position & Ship: Strategist/ Victoria II

Appearance: His name styled as ‘Mengde’ in more modern day languages, Cao Cao is a man of medium build with small reddish hued eyes, a pencil thin mustache and a long beard. Cao Cao blue-black hair almost reaches to his shoulders but he normally wears it neat in a bun instead. This renowned commander wears usually nothing but the finest quality of silk when sans out of his highly decorative military garbs. Cao Cao wardrobes are mostly made of the three colors that represent the Wei Clan, indigo, black and mauve. In his military attire, he wears a pair of black gloves that matches with his slacks and grand billowing cloak around his sturdy shoulders.

Personality: The rumors that circulate around Cao Cao describe him as a deviously cunning and intelligent individual who is highly resourceful in combat. He is a decorated officer who has won fame for his glorious campaigns during the years under his former captain, Yuan Shao. He is an ambitious fellow, a realistic dreamer who wishes for nothing more than the best life has to offer, despite whatever conniving means he needs to do in order obtain such grandeur. To some, Cao Cao acts as if he does not bare a conscious and is known to put his own goals ahead of lovers and friends alike. He does maintain a strong bond or unity with his family’s clan, quick to boast about his grand heritage to those who are imprudent enough not to have heard of him.

However, despite the hard and imposing exterior that Cao Cao has created for himself; the Wei heir is a rather fun loving individual for he enjoys hunting and spends most of his days enjoying art and theater. He is a refined gentleman who knows when to pull the façade of the imposing Sir Cao Cao and when to be the humble ‘Mengde’. Despite what many may think of this just turned thirty-year-old commander, Cao Cao is a very accomplished character in and outside of the military ranks.

Abilities/Weapons: Cao Cao is very skilled when it comes down to weaponry, able to use everything from a crossbow to a mere dagger but specializing when it comes down to handling blades. He is a true master swordsman, his swordsmanship virtually unmatched by those who know of his legendary skill. He wields his family’s prized possession; a fabled sword called “The Wrath of Heaven” that certainly lives up to its prestigious name. Within this long and sturdy broadsword, Cao Cao has an ice mana crystal embedded within its golden hilt. Every time he strikes with his blade, there is a 50/50 chance that his opponent shall be turned to ice by the once the steel connections with their flesh. He uses mana crystals only within combat out in the battlefield and does remove the prized crystals from his blade when facing a spar with his fellow officers.

Weaknesses: Anyone who has ever heard of the saying, ‘You are your worst enemy’ could easily apply this quote to Cao Cao. Despite all his prideful boastings and stern behavior, Cao Cao is a very paranoid individual who fears the judgment and deeds of others who may intend to do him harm. He is quick to jump to conclusions even at risk of him being wrong and is highly distrustful in others who are not of his Clan or immediate family.

However, his own weakness is his own dwindling health for the man suffers from chronic headaches and fatigue. It is because of his ailment that Cao Cao seeks refuge from the actual battlefield and desires more to become a strategist instead of field combatant despite his famous skill with the blade.

History: Cao Cao, also known otherwise as Cao Mengde, is the descendant of a famous Senator in Ivona named ‘Cao Can’ who served in office for many years before his death. His father, Cao Song, was originally from the Xiahou family, a fellow noble clan who operated in Solare but Cao Teng (son of Cao Can) adopted him into the Cao family, thus claiming the surname name of ‘Cao’.

Cao Cao was born in Bellicus under the watchful eyes of his father’s wealthy, diplomatic family with great expectations for his to follow in the family’s prominent legacy. Joining the Military at very young age, Cao Cao showed great promise to his commanding officers and quickly climbed the ranks with relative ease under the watchful guidance of his family’s close political allies, the Yuan. It would be the father of the Yuan family named “ Admiral Yuan Shao”, to continue nurturing young Cao Cao’s pursuit to one day become admiral of his own fleet.

At the age of twenty, Cao Cao passed the district government exams and received recommendation from Yuan Shao to become a Senator in the House of Parliament in Bellicus but that dream was soon dashed by the young man’s terrible illness. Inheriting not only his father’s wealth but as well as his poor health, Cao Cao lost his footing to secure a place within Ivona’s politics and his goals for creating a name for himself in the political world was ruined. However, even in this morbid defeat Cao Cao continued his lust for power through his exploits in the Military. He fought tooth and nail to secure his status as ‘Commodore’ within Yuan Shao’s Imperial Naval Fleet but soon realized that his dependency upon Yuan Shao would soon hinder him as a burden once the famous Admiral’s son, Yuan Shu demanded his place within his father’s fleet. With his ranking stripped of him when Yuan Shu took the role of ‘Commodore’, Cao Cao refused to serve under Yuan Shao’s son as ‘Lt. Commander’ and bitterly left the Yuan family’s side.

This act of defiance left a deep schism between the Yuan family and the Cao family of Wei, a move that Cao Cao himself deeply regrets but still refuses to see fault in his ways. Deciding to embark upon a different path on his daunting road for glory, Cao Cao got word about an open position as strategist upon the notorious Victoria II and heard worthy praise about its admiral, Manfred von Karma. Hoping to secure an alliance with the von Karma family and his Clan, Cao Cao joins the ranks of the Victoria II with his head held high and his strong faith within himself.

He hopes to one day prove crush Yuan Shao and the entire Yuan family under the boots of his fantastic legacy.

application, ooc

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