I. 孫 子 兵 法 - The Art of War [Laying Plans vol 1.][PUBLIC]

Nov 17, 2008 01:29

In dedication to an acquaintance of mine, I am willing to share a few notes I have written focusing on the Art of War. My fellow poetry lovers, please forgive me for this posting tonight for there shall be no poetry here.

Please enjoy.


The art of war is of vital importance to the State.
It is a matter of life and death ( Read more... )

sun tzi, notes, conduct of warfare, the art of war, debate

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[Voice] theschmotone November 19 2008, 05:33:35 UTC
Hmmm. Goot points, all of dem. However, de fellow who wrote dis vas probably talking mostly about human armies. Vith demihumans, de qvalities of a commander may need to be different, depending on vhat he iz commanding.


[Voice] dragon_of_wei November 19 2008, 20:45:37 UTC
De-humans, you say?

Well, I do suspect such logic would be vastly different when dealing with other kinds of men...

However, why is that? Why would it be so different...?


[Voice] theschmotone November 19 2008, 20:58:17 UTC
Demihumans. Dose of us dot iz, through vun vay or anodder, not qvite human, or beyond normal humans in strength or vhatnot. Zome might zay "better" den normal humans.

For example, vith de Jagerkin, my people, strength iz everyting. To be a goot commander, hyu not only have to be fearless und physically strong, but ruthless. Iz not about honor. Iz about making hyu soldiers trust hyu, but also fearing vhat hyu vould do to dem more den vhat de enemy vould do. Ve doesn't deal much vith honor. It gets in de vay. Ve vas created to be killing machines, und dot's vhat ve does best.

Vhich is not to zay dot loyalty und respect haz no part in tings. Honor just doesn't have much place on de battlefield for us. Ve iz qvick und efficient, und leave de philosophy to odders.


Re: [Voice] dragon_of_wei November 19 2008, 21:27:55 UTC
How fascinating...

Such tactics presented here today would not work against foes who would be of that particular kind. I do believe when the Art of War was written in mind of human adversaries and not demihuman but I do believe some of these tactics would work well against Jagerkins...

That is, if one was to focus more on the third and second conditions more so than the others.

Heaven and Earth always plays a role in combat of any kind.


[Voice] theschmotone November 19 2008, 23:55:01 UTC
It vould be interesting to come up vith addtiional information concerning zome of de demihumans of de vorld, und zee how to apply de Art of Var to vorking vith or against dem. Perhaps I should draw up zome thoughts of my own on de matter. Though I ahve never been a commander, I vas a drill sergeant for a very long time, und ve have two odder members of my race on our ship who are commanding officers. Perhaps ve should have a dialogue?

Und yez, both Heaven und Earth alvays apply. Dis iz also part of vhat ve vere created for. De Master needed a creature dot could survive extremes vell, und even vhen starved or near death, vould fight on. Ve tend tovards a pack mentality, und most of us izn't zo schmot because of dot. Don't tink vell apart from each odder. But in a unit, dere iz few tings more dangerous.


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