Untitled [Public]

May 30, 2009 23:02


The death of our commander in chief will hang heavily upon the hearts and minds of the people for the next months to come. Our nation was robbed of one of the most influential men to have ever been written within the pages of history. Ivona is a proud country, one that shall stand up against any threat that tries to weaken its foundation. Our nation has survived dark times like this before and we will not falter in our progression as a world power.

If anything can be learned from this tremendous tragedy, it is that the Ivonian people are under attack by unseen force that wishes to disturb our peace. Reial has forever been plagued with problems, whether it deals with our shaky friendship with our neighbors towards the south or the constant threat of pirates within our skies. No matter the threat, Ivona shall always stand strong.

Therefore, I ask you all, all citizens of Ivona; remember to stay strong even during such dreadful times. Do not hang your heads in sorrow but rather hold them up in pride.

Our nation shall never die as long as we maintain our dignity.

public, ivona

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