Apr 21, 2014 23:20
People are bound and determined to ruin my child's belief in Santa/Tooth Fairy/Easter bunny.
We went to get our hair cut Saturday and the lady cutting Luke's hair started talking with someone about how her daughters declared, "Don't worry, I know Grandpa's the Easter Bunny." Which she followed by relaying that she asked them why they would think that, but still.
I made the "mistake" of allowing Luke to read the Sunday comics on Easter as he does every Sunday. Right there in Baby Blues, the mom and dad were discussing who hid the eggs that year. (!!!) As I read it after he did, I was hoping for a heart warming "If we both forgot, it must have been the Easter Bunny for REAL" but didn't get it.
On vacation, Chad asked (with Luke nearby) if Luke still had "that cool bed we put together for him." You mean the one SANTA gave him?! I cringed.
And yes he does. If he didn't, Chad would recall because I'd probably buy him off with lunch again to use his truck and bring home the new one. And yes, probably hope he'd stay and help put it together again but again not ask. If it took us two hours, I can only imagine a how long it would have taken me on my own.
It does need a new top rail on the short side if Luke wants to keep it when we move, since he's chewed it way more than necessary for someone his age.