Dec 15, 2012 00:03
OhHolyCrap. I just opened this and its new a white and things moved and--- I don't do well with change, m'kay?
Well, I was complaining that it was nearly CHristmas and Luke was still able to wear shorts and muscle shirts to school. And it is suddenly freezing cold. Hoodies and jeans and visible breath. And taking Luke out shopping for baby gift wrapping supplies... I got some bad looks. Today was PJ day at school. THey took blankies, pillows, stuffed animals ("Hulkie!") and wore PJs to watch Polar Express in class. So I told him to get changed so we could go out. I specifically said, "Jeans and shirt." Well, Luke knows better than Mommy and put on shorts and a tee. And flipflops. I told him to change. He refused. I told him to put on a jacket. He refused. I said, You'll learn.
ANd he did. By the time we were done, he was shivering. I asked him what he should do next time I say he should change and he said, "Change." Lesson learned, poor kid.
Christmas party at work today. Awesomeness. I truly like the people I work with. Plus I got THor out of my secret Santa. Score! I now own the Hawkeye cameo And Trainer is on vacation and stopped by to mess with everyone after declaring upon his exit from our service station that he just plain doesn't come into our town for any reason. So :P to him, he couldn't stay away!
I've heard from other sources that the other county isn't all it cracked up to be and there may be regrets and a transfer back to our county after the 6 months, "You just transfered, you're stuck" period for one ofmy wayward coworkers.