
Jul 22, 2011 21:08

It is so freaking hot, I truly CAN'T want to go camping, even though I had a very pleasant dream last night of hiking through the woods, Molly/AJ/Bug ahead, Luke and I splitting hands with my subconsience's bestest friend.

In a completely unrelated note, I have not recently mentioned how much I love the people I work with. If I get a higher paying job (or a lower paying with one more hours), I will really miss them. Its funny, I like them all (with one notable exception) and they seem to get along great, but if you get most of them along or with a different group, its like they can't stand each other.
But I love my dirty-ol-man waterer, slacker waterer, coarse-yet-lovable chick and my two favorite-cashiers-ever, both of whom are way too cute. I've never seen a man as old as one of said cashiers ride the back of a cart. Down a hill. At a rate of speed which I assumed I'd be rushing out to scrape him off the pavement so he could check out the waiting customer.

camping, dream, work

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