Feb 16, 2010 21:14
I believe that Facebook has made me a bad LJ'er. Especially because most of you are my friends there. :/ Why write a whole post when I can do a status update?!
- I just injured myself. Licking a metal ice cream scoop immediately after scooping is NOT a good idea, in case you were thinking of doing it. If you do, do not reactively RIP said scoop from said tongue, because then, hypothetically, you could end up with a sore spot on your tongue AND a scoop stuck to your lip.
Maybe. Not that--- that's happened to me-- or anything.
- I took Luke to Panera for Valentine's (he likes the place solely for the yogurt that comes with the kid's meal. Otherwise, it'd be "McOnalds" all the way) and he was tired, so he was feeling quite snuggly. He came around the booth and sat on my bench and scooted up right next to me. He leaned his back against my side and I draped my arm over his chest. I told him, in this perfect Mommy-Son Moment, that he was my Valentine. I asked if I was his. "No, you not my Vadentine. Bahshee my Vadentine." ("bahshee" = Bopshee, my dad)
"Oh?" I asked. "Does that mean you're his Valentine, not mine?"
"Nooah," he said in that odd, exasperated-teen way he has, "Gamma is Bahshee's Vadentine."
"Glad we got that all figured out," I quipped, and snuggled him close again.
- Breyer's peach ice cream is NOT as good as Publix's peach frozen yogurt. I'm disappointed. Note to self: Next time its on sale, cookie dough all the way! (I do have chocolate with Oreos waiting in the freezer, though... Can't wait!)