Jan 16, 2010 18:37
Took Luke to get another new pair of shoes today. He's only got one pair that fits, and when you have a toddler boy in underwear, somehow, some way, those shoes are going to get wet at some point. So we had to go get a back up pair.
Until this afternoon, Luke's only sneakers were a pair of Adio skate shoes, black with white designs across the back, white soles. Apparently, said brand is bloody expensive, but I got them brand new for $2 at the flea market. :D
We browsed the boy department, my mom and I showing Luke all sorts of styles. He kept saying no. Finally, I told him to find the shoe HE liked, then WE would find the right size. It worked! He went right over to the ones he liked. He held them up for inspection. "I like these ones. Look Mommy, I LOF them!" He immediately toed out of his Adios and very willingly tried on the new sneakers. They were keepers.
Ya know what they look like? Exactly like his Adio ones, but with velcro, a hint of red stitching, some silver on the side, and white skeleton designs instead of white cassette tapes down the side.
At least he's consistent. And skate sneakers ARE comfy...