
May 27, 2020 15:24

questionoftheday asks: Say you found yourself with storybook-type amnesia and lost your memory tomorrow, how likely do you think you'd be able to regain it just by going through your blog?

My answer:

Not at all likely. lol. Many years ago, maybe it would have been helpful. But lately not at all. I wish that I had more of an aptitude for journaling, especially in a super interesting way. But so far that has not been a good skill of mine! My favorite journaler on LJ used to be muse, but I don't know if her journal is even up any more. but she had a great way of relaying her stories, as well as including a ton of links to explain areas or thoughts, etc. I just was really in love with her style, but not good at emulating it. lol.

We'll see if this one cross posts to LJ correctly. I had to change my PW due to the reporting of a breach over there so the earlier ones from today did not work.


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