Its Friday before a long weekend and staff is slowly leaking out the doors early. San Francisco has gone from Spring like weather with temps in the 70's to Bay Area winter again. high 40's to low 5o"s which is very cold for here and very rainy. good weather to stay home in the house but tomorrow I have to start driving down to Santa Clara for the Knitting conference. Driving in the rain, oh lordy! And Sunday morning I have to be there at 8:30 in the morning for a class, uugh!
New machine is working well. My straight stitch free motion is a thousand times better with this machine but I have not figured out the zig-zag yet. I have finished 10 crazy quilt tissue holders and a Sewing Workshop Obi Purse in reds and magenta cottons. I am now finished with all the pink fabric. I may never use that color again. I am hoping to start work on the Myriam quilt tonight after work. I really need to get this finished so I can move on.
Started downloading some of
ryuutchi 's CDs to my iPod. Interesting how I'm finding my own CD's that I thought disappeared. Dagda is mine not
ryuutchi 's! What else is in that room that belongs to me???
So I took one of
ryuutchi 's iPod cases and added my own polymer face "button" (had the old man drill a hole) on it. Now I need to make an icord so I can put it around my neck when I am working. Good project to work on while I sit in the knitting lectures.