Aug 31, 2005 18:35
Dunno why my priorities are what they are. Is being alone so bad? If not, why can't I accept it? And when did this change come? I remember a time, not so long ago, when a good book I had read a dozen times was enough for me. Why is it not anymore?
In news hopefully less fraught with self-pity, I started back to school this week. Most of my classes are good, and I'm TAing 2 Chem 121 labs in addition to working in the lab. Prolly gonna go back to work for Rice, doing the PCR, cloning, and bioinformatics. Should be okay, if I can get shit to work. Cross yer fingers.
Class is good, if less than interesting. I have:
BIOL 411 Cell Biology
MWF 10:20-11:15
PHYS 231 Intro to Phys/Biophys 1
MWF 11:30-12:25
BIOL 350 Intro Recomb Genetics
TR 9:35-10:55
PHYS 232 Intro to Phys/Biophys 1 Lab
T 11:10-1:10
BIOL 350 Intro Recomb Genetics Lab
R 11:10-1:10
CHEM 121 College Chemistry 1 Lab
MW 12:40-3:40
Rice Lab Biol Dept.
The rest of the time
Tired, bogged down, and I'm only in my first week. It's only gonna get worse. *sigh*