Jun 30, 2003 10:42
Well folks...Golly it HAS been a while hasn't it? And that is not to say my life has not been very eventful. I mean wow...alot of varying things have happened with alot of emotions flying through the air. I mean if it was not something big happening to me, then it was certainly happening to a friend of mine. Since those of you who usually may or may not read this are a friend of mine, or my sweetie, then I am not going to fill anyone in on those events. You know them, some of you where there and you know who you are. DId that sound harsh? it wasn't meant to. O.o
So lemme think what is happening right now? I am currently sitting at home in C.S. I am not bored as of yet, but I do see myself approaching that emotion before the day I return to UNT (July 4th oh yeah). I am reaching a high point in my life again. Good friends, a great girl by my side, Oppurtunties in my workplace that are pushing me to actually take on new roles. Yup...Ok so that and a few other things are stressing me out (and Matt if your reading this no your not part of it...your not annoying me and your not stressing me out) but, for the most part I am doing well. More importantly, even if I spent a little too much I am doing better finacially. I learned how to say no and am not blowing my whole paycheck in a weekend...and more important than that, my parents financial situation is improving. That is a biiiiig improvment because now I don't have to worry about them as much. Well that is it for now folks...Heh perhaps this was not a grand dramatic awakening/returning post...but hey that is just not me ya know? so in closing I say this...YAWN