Sep 27, 2008 20:00
So, this weekend has been pretty epic, so far.
I dont even for sure know where to start.
How about here:
Friday, while i was reading an assigned reading for my FemLit class, i happened to look out the window when i heard something bang, and i saw, across the yard, a guy going back into his house. I thought he might be kinda cute (i couldnt tell since he was facing away from me), so i kept watching. He came back out of his house, and was carrying some stuff. He put it down, seemed to be checking something, went back into his house, came back out with a jacket and sunglasses, walked over to his stuff he had put down, picked up the handle to his wagon, and started down the road.
Yes. thats right. His. Wagon.
It was so adorable, that i had to keep watching him. I mean, he was like a 20 yr old, pulling a little (well, big actually) blue wagon. So i watched him until he passed the house, and then i ran to the next window, and watched him again. while i was standing at the window grinning like an idiot, he turned and i thought he may have seen me standing there, so i oh so sneakily pretended that i was going to get the mail. i opened the door and checked the mail. There was nothing there, of course, because i had checked it earlier that day. So i went back into the house and sat down at the table again. While i was doing all this, wagon boy had turned around and started going back the way he had come. so when i sat down at the table, i managed to put myself at the right place to see him again. :P apparently he had been going the wrong way down the street, and so walked back infron to the window. Either that or he was just parading for me. At any rate, i found it quite awesome. So adorable, too.
Ok, so that was one great point of the day.
Next, when i was coming the the universtiy to i could get some internet, and meet up with ppl to go to the huskies game, there was all sorts of traffic backup. First i credited it to the fact that it was about 5 o clock, which would mean it was rush hour. then, while on the bus, i heard over the cb that there were two accidents, one on circle drive, and one on the university bridge. That would explain it. So, yeah. traffic was insane, everything was backed up, and the bus driver was having trouble getting anywhere at any speed other then a couple inches every couple minutes. So. He took a detour. That was all good. It worked quite well. Until we got to the intersection where we had to turn into the university... Smart people in the oncomeing lane kept trying to pull across the intersection, thinking maybe they'd get where they were going faster, if they blocked the intersection. Of course, thats crazy talk, but they seemed intent on doing everything they could to do so. And so, here's the Bus, halfway across the intersection, and the lights are turning red, and we're trying to turn, with people almost all the way across the intersection. By some amazing stroke of genius, The bus driver manuvered us through the maze of very 'intelligent' drivers and got us onto campus... with about two centimeters to spare between the rear view mirror and the lamp post. I felt like bursting into applause. Instead i just grinned to myself. But that driver needs to get himself an award for aweosme driving, or something. It really was quite fantastic.
And Then! Was the football game. and oh the joys of that game... not. :P it was soooo cold. i'm not the hugest sports fan to begin with, so i was kinda like "why am i here??" the whole time... But it was good enough, as far as sports go. Got to see pp,l get tackled and smack their heads on the ground and such and such. Afterwards i went to a place, where some kids punked/pranked another kid. it was kinda awesome. but i think i'm next on the hit list. And, since i had to get a ride home they obviously know where i live now.
Oh well though. As ong as i take it in good humor, it'll be good times. Nathan and... Some other guys who's name i dont remember. Also a guy named Ben.
Such good times though.
I stayed there until around 2, and we hand all sorts of awesome discussions. About guys, girls, gay people, the like.
And we played abusive games. Like dont upset the fruit basket and stuffs. Except with a bat.
Man, i so love the middle of the night.
And now, after a day of emotional disfunction, i'm feeling grood.
Tyler came by the visit me.
I so love being not alone.
Hehe. Alex agrees that he's hot. ^_^