Feb 11, 2008 07:40
It is useful to wash the dirty linen (the world) sometimes…
When you immerse the linen (the world) in water (anything), the dirt emerges itself...
A little of soap (distinction) is needed - and the process of clarification has begun...
When the linen is in water completely, you do not see it as you see only water (anything)...
When you get the linen and look at it, there is only a form (the world)...
When the laundry is finished...
Water is water, emptiness is emptiness!..
The world is the world, the form is the form!..
But it is not the same world any more!..
It is Pure World!..
There is no dirt anymore as it was dissolved in Emptiness!..
The Dirt is only "your" interpretations and estimations...
Of this Perfect World!...