Обещаный сценарий

Jan 15, 2011 22:13

1. SCHOOL (girls only)

- You’re just like a prince, Alex! - Emi said happily.

- Hearing that from you, Emi… - Alex blushed. She was carrying a big pile of books in order to help Emi.

- We’re childhood friends after all - Emi smiled.

There was a tennis competition for which Alex was selected as a best athlete in the school. Girls always cheered up for their “prince”.

“I always knew it. - Alex thought while playing tennis. - A prince…? Girls suppose to be princesses, right…?”

And then Alex won the match.


“With all those girls around … admiring me because I’m their prince.” - Alex thought, while walking home. - “Will there be someone who’d like me as I am?”

“Maybe, it would’ve been better if I’d be like her”, - Alex thought looking at the advertisement with some model on it.

Alex looked at her mirror image in the shop window and thought:

- “Too tall, too strong, too much like a guy… I’m nothing like a girl!”

- Alex! - she suddenly heard a voice calling her.

Alex turned around and saw Emi running towards her… And a car approaching.

- Emi, wait! - yelled Alex.

Alex run and pushed Emi away with a kick and then…car hit Alex.


Alex opened her eyes:

- Emi...

But Emi wasn’t here. Instead of her Alex saw a surprised boy looking fat her.

- Mum! She’s awake! - the boy cried and run out of the room.

Some unknown people run into the room and hugged Alex.

- Who are you, people? - asked Alex surprised.

(Anyways, Alex exchanged bodies with a girl from the advertisement she was looking at before and that’s her family… Girls name is Maria. But writing it all properly would take too much space and time and I don’t think its necessary XDDD.  Love you all. DragonX).


Doctor said before discharging Alex:

- Due to traumatic experience your daughter doesn’t remembers anything, but physically there’s nothing wrong with her…

“ But I do remember everything… I’m Alex! - Alex thought looking in the mirror. - Right?”

- I did became her, - said Alex touching her cheek. - Well, I guess I have to use this, - smiled she.

Alex walked in the hospital corridor and saw a hospital room with her name on. She walked into the room and saw herself on life-support apparatus. Alex walked walks to the bed and tried to touch her own cheek. And then she heard a weird noise.

Alex turned around and saw Emi who just dropped a bag.

-You’re… - said Emi quietly.

-  Maria ***! - Emi happily shaking Alex’s hand. - I’m your biggest fan!

- “Emi…” - Alex thought with a sigh.


Emi and Alex sat in a hospital corridor.

- So how long you’ve known Alex? - Emi asked.

- Not very long. - Alex answered.

- I see… - said Emi disappointed.

Suddenly she started to cry.

- What if Alex will never wake up? - said she.

- We’re not that close… - answered Alex with a sigh. - She’s not the type of girls I would hang out with.

- What do you mean? - said Emi.

- Too boyish! Ugly, too tall, doesn’t know how to dress or do her face and make-up and doesn’t…

And Alex couldn’t finish this sentence because Emi slapped her.

- Don’t… - Emi choked from anger. - Don’t you dare to speak about Alex like this! - cried she. - Alex is… kindest, strongest and the most wonderful person on this planet! Someone like you will never be even as half as amazing as she is! You’re just a stupid doll!!! - yelled Emi and ran away.

“I’ve never seen Emi so angry before…” - said Alex puzzled holding her hit cheek.


Alex was getting dressed in Marias room, but unfortunately all Maria only wore were cute freely dresses, which Alex found weird. Finally, she found a T-shirt and a tiny shorts at the bottom of Marias wardrobe.

Alex looked in the body size mirror.

- “Beautiful body, pretty face - everything any girl would want to”, - she thought. - “But…it’s… not me…”

Growling stomach interrupted her thoughts.

Alex went to the kitchen, opened a fridge and took a deliciously looking cake out of it.

- WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?! - yelled Maria’s mother who suddenly walked into the kitchen too. - You’ll ruin your beautiful figure! - She grabbed cake out of Alex’s hands.

- I was ill! I need food now! - cried Alex.

- I don’t care if you were or not! - mother replied. - If you’ll get fat you won’t get more modeling jobs and we won’t have money to buy all those expensive clothes you need! And without them you won’t be able to marry a rich man you need! Dad, tell her!

- Tell her what? - father answered.

- She needs to marry a rich man to support us at old age! - mother replied . -You want a new Lamborghini, right?

“They have huge house, a lot of money, looks.” - Alex though walking away as parents didn’t seem to pay attention to her any more. - “What else do they want?”


Alex saw beaten Maria’s younger brother Leo walking by.

- Hey, wait! - Alex cried to him.

Leo ignored her.

- Leo! - Alex called him again.

- Go away! - Leo cried.

- Leo, what happened? - Alex asked.

- Get lost! - the boy replied.

- May I come in? - said Alex carefully opening a door into Leos room.

Leo was lying on his bed face down. Alex took his hand and started to bandage it. Leo got up and looking at Alex.

- It’ll hold for longer that way - Alex said fixing Leos bandage.

Leo sat down surprised.

- Now, let’s take care of your face, - Alex smiled.

- “He’s so cute!” - she thought looking at soft boys face. - “Not like my younger bro…”

- I don’t get it! Why are you doing this? - Leo said surprised.

- Isn’t that what older sisters suppose to do? - Alex asked.

- You’ve never done that before.

- So, what happened?

- I look like a girl! - Leo cried. - I’m short, have high-pitched voice and no hair on my body! I like taking care of my appearance and I like fragrance. But my classmates say I’m gay. They hit me and bull me because of this. I stick to girls, because I like them and they like me. I mean, guys are always mean to me. Even when we just play football or basketball they attack me even if I don’t have the ball. I haven’t done anything wrong! Why are they bullying me?! I just want them to stop…

- “Your own body as a prison… - Alex thought. - He’s so much like me… I have my strengths to protect me, so nobody dares to bull me, but this kid… He looks so helpless. I want to help him!”

- If you want it to stop - do something!

- Huh?

- You cannot expect situation to change if you’re doing nothing or doing the same thing over and over again. Do sports to be stronger! Fight your bullies even if you’re beaten! Just do something! Even if you’ll never succeed you’ll know that you’ve done everything you could.

- “That’s right! - Alex realized. - You can’t do nothing and just expect something to change. In sports if your tactics don’t work you just change them. How could I forget that it applies to other things too?”

- Anyways, don’t worry about it - looks are not that important for a man, - smiled Alex. - It’s more important that you know you’re a man and you feel your own strength inside. And it’s okay - you will grow up soon.

- Yeah, I guess, - Leo agreed. - If I’m still short now, at 15, there’s a chance to grow at 16.

- What?! - cried Alex in surprise. - You’re 15?! I thought you’re 13!

- Get out! - Leo yelled and kicked Alex out of the room.


Alex was walking across the school yard, while all guys turning around and looking at her and all girls were just glaring.

- “I feel… being stalked…” - Alex thought.


Alex walked into the class.

- Hello! - smiled she, but, surprisingly, everyone were looking at her with a frown.

Alex sat on her chair. Nobody looked at her as if they were avoiding her.

- I heard she has amnesia… Nothing can change her! - Alex heard coming from the group of boys. - I heard she… She did what?! No way what a bitch! She thinks she’s allowed to do everything… - that was coming from group of girls.

- “What’s wrong…?” - Alex thought. - “In the old school everyone ware nice to me.”

Bunch of girls approached her.

- Maria, can we talk to you for a second? - one of them said. - Somewhere quiet.

- Somewhere quiet? - asked Alex naively, while going out with them. - Where are we going? (Café? Library?)

- Soon you’ll find out! - a girl replied with an angry face.


Alex looked at the wall with “?” on her face. Girls surrounded her. One of the girls hit Alex and she fell back at the wall.

- “What?!!” - Alex surprised.

- Just because you’re pretty you think you’re allowed do everything, you bitch! -a girl said. - How dare you to lure my boyfriend!

- “They’re going to beat me!” - Alex got scared.

Girl tried to hit again, but Alex dodged it. Surprised girl tried to hit her again, but Alex dodged it until she reached the wall.

- So you can dodge, - girl said. - But look at yourself - you’re already tired.

“She’s right!” - thought Alex trembling from tension. -  “This body is already exhausted! I can’t move!”

Girl hit Alex again. and she fell down. Girl sat on her stomach.

- Hahaha! Not so cocky now! - girl laughed. - You can’t really do anything with no guys around!

- So, what should I do? - girl took a knife out of her pocket. - Maybe, I should start with the face!

- Blaming everything on someone else and beating someone weaker? - answered Alex. - Maybe, your boyfriend left you because you’re just a bull?

- How dare you! - the girl yelled.

- “If it’d be my real body I’d beat them in no time!” - thought Alex. - “But now I can’t even move! I… hate it!”

Girl scratched Alex’s eyebrow.

Suddenly someone yelled:

- There’s a fight in here! Quickly, call a teacher!

- It’s your lucky day! - said a girl running away with her crew. - You won’t get away that easily next time! Let’s get out of here.


Alex went back home.

- “It was awful!” - Alex thought. - “Ever since childhood I was I was into sports! Training hard at everything I could. I didn’t ever think my body would betray me like this…” - Alex looked at mirror image in the shop window. - “But then… it’s not my body at all…”

Alex’s thoughts were interrupted by the noise of something breaking. She turned to the sound and saw Leo lying down, beaten, surrounded by 3 boys.

- You think you can hit me, fag! - a boy said.

- “It’s Leo!” - she thought.

- You trying to fight is like Chihuahua yapping! - the boy grinned. - You make a lot of noise, but you can’t harm me!

- “I can’t fight them in this body!” - Alex got scared.

Alex found a bottle and thrown it at the boys…. and missed them by 3 meters. Boys turned at her.

- “Oh shit!” - Alex thought. - “I can’t let them hurt him!”

- Leave my brother alone! - she cried.

- Well, well… - the boy grinned. - Look who we’ve got here - little fags bitch sister!

- If you’ll get near me I…

- You what? Squeeze me between those giant tits of yours?

- “That’s right…” - Alex frowned. - “I can’t do anything…”

- Get her! - boy cried.

Boy swung at Alex, but she dodged.

- So you know martial arts! - boy grinned. - This is gonna be interesting!

- “That’s right!” - Alex realized. - “I DO know martial arts! This body may belong to Maria, but I am Alex - regional martial arts champion! Think, Alexis! You’ve never won a single competition by the force alone!”

Alex found a long stick from trash and grabs it.

- Oooo… It got a stick! - boy laughed.

Ales beat boys. 2 boys run away, 1 is kneeling. (I can describe fights and so on, but it’s unnecessary and would require too much technical terms. DragonX)

- With a staff even a child can have adults reach, - said Alex, but she was trembling due to all tension she put on her weak body.

- You bitch… - the boy answered angrily.

- You’ve been beaten by my sister, - Leo said to a boy.

It started to rain when Alex and Leo turned their backs to him.

- I’m not going to be beaten by a chick and a fag! - the boy cried. He grabbed a broken bottle and tried to punch Leo with it.

- Leo! - Alex cried.

Alex covered Leo and got hit by the bottle. Boy froze. Alex falls on her side.

- Maria! Maria! - Leo cried.

- Leo… Do something! - Alex said while her conscious was fading. - If it doesn’t works, do something else… but keep trying…

- What are you talking about?! - Leo cried. - I don’t understand you, Maria!

- My name is Alex… Monroe…


- Doctor Leo! - child said. - You’re amazing!

- Once, I was just like you, but someone helped me, - Leo smiled.

- Really? Who was it? - asked the kid.

- A person who was strong and fast, but kind and gentle at the same time.

- Was it your dad?

- No. She was my sister.

scenario manga

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