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Oct 15, 2006 06:16

My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Hauldragon_god_jc goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as myself.bonzairob tricks you! You get a rock.frozensilver17 gives you 8 milky white root beer-flavoured gummy worms.imperfectious tricks you! You lose 3 pieces of candy!kodokunaookami gives you 19 mauve coconut-flavoured gummy worms.mutual_fund gives you 14 yellow vanilla-flavoured gummy bats.parkerwolf gives you 11 teal evil-flavoured jawbreakers.patchmani gives you 7 purple pineapple-flavoured gumdrops.quirky_cubby gives you 18 teal orange-flavoured gummy worms.scoyy tricks you! You lose 25 pieces of candy!walk_onsbass tricks you! You lose 29 pieces of candy!dragon_god_jc ends up with 20 pieces of candy, and a rock.Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.

bastards!!! lol, definitely predicted who would steal my candy, but SEAN?!?! 29 pieces????? That is MEAN!

and I gave myself candy XD

Edit: Also as a note, the number and whether trick or treat stays the same for users... *eg - on Parkerwolf's version, I gave him 11 pieces, and I am sure, that if Sean were to do one, I would steal back my 29 pieces of candy :-P )
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