FEeL dIFfErEnT aBoUt MySeLf AnD LiFe!!! ~is this wrong...?

Jan 15, 2006 22:21

I'm overwhelmed about school and life in general.  I mean,  put it this way...school started, work, try to make time for friends.  Why do I feel strange lately?  Why did Jan. the 13th have to be on a Friday?  (Random???)   Anywho!  This month started to be weird, like ever since I turned 20.  I felt different, about me and the way my body is transforming.  Sounds weird I know...but I just feel different, like I feel more pretty or I'm starting to ignore people,  just different stuff going on.  Over the Christmas break my family were ragging on me about me growing up and I should start dating.  "Why don't you have a boyfriend?"  I don't know I said.  I'm tired of them interrupting into my life.  Its not there business who I'm with or whatever.  I'm only 20, stop rushing me into stuff.  I just want to live my life as, I want to.  Why you think I say, "Live life to its fullest"  it doesn't take a genius to figure that one out.  My relatives think I have no life.  And that I need a man to have a life...THAT'S BULLSHIT!!!  Who in the hell would say that to a person.  If you ask me that's pretty fucked up.  I'm just tired of them pushing.  Why do y'all think I moved out of my house and moved into a dorm.

I wonder how this semester is going to be like.  Hopefully I get good grades, have fun w/ friends.  And just go w/ the flow at things, but be smart about it.  you know?  So we'll see how it goes.  To me, this is a new beginning for me. Because, it's the new year!!!  Anyway I better get back to reality.  Doing laundry... LOL!!! 
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