Bad Day

Feb 03, 2006 14:12

Ok well today wasnt all that bad and I am still goign to play bingo tonite. Maybe the day wont end so badly but for now it is sucking. I went ot hte doctors this morning cuz I could barely walk and they just kinda sent me away! AHH! Then afterwards I was upset and called my mom, bad idea. Then she started crying cuz she is sick and wont be able to always solve our problems. I think it is finally hitting me that my mom is leaving. I dont know. Its just I love her so much and hate hearing her in so much pain. I am geting a letter from her doctor stating that she wants me to be compassionately reassigned until I get out of the army. I have to get out of here. I want to go home. I hate it here. I just honestly cant handle this anymore. I have cried so much today. Im scared of how life will be without my mom. Shes my mommy. And on top of it all I havent been able to spend any time with her and she is leaving. Ahh this is horrible. My commander was like well we can send you home on a pass. Uh how about no! How can I afford that? And how about you not send me home for 4 days just to have me come back here! I think not, then I will want to kill myself. I cannot go to Iraq. I cant! Well Im going to go before I continue crying. I just need someoen to talk ot or at least to cry to. Chris listens but he just says shhh stop crying. Ahh!
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