Mar 07, 2002 09:51
I've been away for so long and for that I apologize. I feel as though I've neglected everyone here. I've been reading up on my friends page, just never made any comments.
My life has been full and busy and a roller coaster. Things have been good, great, bad, horrible, devistating, enchanting... it's run the whole gambit at least twice.
I've not been too creative though I've had the urges to write. But when I sit down to write a poem or a story, the words just aren't there... the creative juices are, but the words are MIA.
Perhaps that's part of what's behind this "funk" I seem to be in lately. Maybe I should just do some automatic writing (ie typing) where I just sit and write (ie type) and not stop until I feel empty... perhaps I'll do that later on Jade and do so as a private post...
Anyway, I pray all of you are doing well (I've not yet read my friends page since last week) and I shall try to return here at least once a week.
Dragon Dreamer