Questions answered

Jun 20, 2007 23:29

From Mordred:

1. How old are you?
19 and some. And I don't remember ever being older, since with some of you lot that needs clarifying.

2. What was the last book you read?
I was working on a thing called The Aenid when I was still living at the Mansion, but didn't bring it with me. The last book I finished was a book I borrowed from Morwen about the Enchanted Forest and the way its king interacts with dragons and other magical creatures in the area.

3. Why feverfew particularly?
I didn't write the spell. I find it best not to mess with spells, since I'm not a witch and don't have the training to substitute things.

4. Do you have honorable intentions toward Percy or am I going to have to defend his virtue?
Honor is only slightly less overrated than propriety. But I'm not going to do anything he doesn't want, and given the level of what Percy wants, you have no reason to be worried.

5. Do you ever go to do something and then forget what it was?
Of course. Everyone does that, don't they?

From Percy:

1. What's your favourite flower?
I like sunflowers a good deal, actually. Probably because they were one of the few things I never had to bother arranging. Wild roses are also quite nice.

2. If Alma starts tryin' ta eat your bedsheets, can you let me know?
Okay, if you like. I'll probably just swat her away, though.

3. Do you actually like flowers, or do you like other stuff better?
I do like flowers. Not better than, say, dragons or being useful or anything, but flowers are quite nice.

4. Can you ride?
I can, some, though I never succeeded into bullying the hostlers into teaching me to ride like a man instead of prim and sidesaddle.

5. When's your birthday, anyway?
On the understanding you'll tell me when yours is - December 17th.

01. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
02. I respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal.
03. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
04. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
05. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

!df, zjendjan, gareth, percy, memes

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