Nov 08, 2005 20:28
Today wasn't all that bad, though I am feeling a bit ignored over the fact that i've gottn no comments on my last entry. And people wonder why I never update. If I got feedback, i'd write more often.
Kyle almost broke down during college today. I feel sorry for him. I know I should be working on biology, Geometry, French, World History, or English. But i'm neglecting it to write this and read, hoping that I will lose the urge to do what I know what I musn't.
I hate feeling like this. I've told my mother twice already I want to go to councelling, or to get meds at least.
I may be going out of town this weekend to do something with the crew. We don't know yet.
I want to curl up and cry, but I can't. I won't.
My mom's home, I gotta go.
No one's even gonna read this anyway. Don't see why i'm writing. I wish Mattes wqould've just baker acted me last year.