I know it's been a long time coming and I hadn't planned really telling anyone until it was finished, but I've started writing again. It's still difficult to get the old brain cells and muse working again but I've got 2000 words of Res12 written! I have no idea how long it will take to complete, but at least I'm sitting at my keyboard again and it feels good to get lost in the Res!World again.
But the real reason for this post is to share a piece of art that
leochi has painted for me of my
beautiful boys.
What I love so much about this picture is the fact Harry doesn't have his glasses on. It's so rare for people to leave the glasses off and, of course, that means that Draco can see those beautiful green eyes and black lashes.
*off to write a bit more*
Thanks for sticking with me for so long *hugs*