"Civilzation" (Drabble 8/365)

Jan 08, 2007 18:00

For inspiredlife who wanted fluff *grins*

A cat is an example of sophistication minus civilization
Author Unknown
(Quote from the “Cat Lovers Desk Calendar" 8th January 2007)


“I can’t believe I’m in the middle of nowhere, in a Muggle tent. No hot water, no tea, no warm bed with cotton sheets, nothing to eat but these…what are they?”

“High-energy ration bars.”

“They’re revolting and taste like the bottom of a niffler’s cage.”

“When did you eat out of a niffler’s cage?”

“Shut up, Potter! I’m having a crisis here. I want a bath and then hot soup with freshly baked bread. And magic! Lots of magic!”

“We’ll be home tomorrow and I’ll make you soup and bread. I’ll even run your bath.”


“Really. Now come here.”


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