(no subject)

Dec 11, 2005 23:03

Is it just me, or is Jurassic Park a FREAKY movie?

That one and Jumungi. They are KIDS movies, but the TERRIFY me. I couldnt watch the end of Jurassic Park after my sister went to bed, so here i am, mulling over in my head the idea of two raptors tearing through my window and gutting me.

Yay for me.

Other than that, me and said sister put up our tree today. Yay! Totti was having a ball: TINSEL! OMG OMG OMG TINSEL! and then BAUBLES! AND PRETTY LIGHTS! and oooooooh, A BOX!

suffice to say, it took a long time to get up, and a lot of totti being shut in various boxes.

the other two catses were not as enthusiastic. Parents didnt get home untill about 8:30 (what IS it with them? Seriously! When they're not AWAY for the weekend, they're out Thursday night, Friday night, morning tea at someones on saturday, lunch at home (WOAH), afternoon tea at someone elses and dinner at anothers! they get home after I do, and then are out by 9:30 today! duuuude, they have bigger social lives an i do! unfair!)
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