(Apologies for not getting this up on actual Wednesday, RL intervened)
What's WIP Wednesday? It's a forum for fanfic writers to get assistance from others in the community and for the knowledgeable players (who may not be writers!) to help the writers out with discussion threads about game events or speculation about what it may mean. For past discussions,
see the tagged entries Writers: Want to share a bit of work in progress? Stuck on a story, and want help getting unstuck? Have a factoid you'd like to check? A theory to sanity check? Need a beta, and don't know how to find one? Here's your chance.
Non-writers: Like to talk about the nitpicky details of the world? Character motivations? Here's a great opportunity to do so from people who want to as well. Even if you're not a writer, if you have a question like this, please post it, it's all viable discussion fodder.
Like SQS and the Tuesday Prompt Fest, please try to use customized Subject lines in the comments to help people keep track of your specific fact thread.
**** Please put all Dragon Age: Inquisition spoilers behind an LJ-SPOILER cut. ****
(Tip: Use the 'Track This' option either on the post to get notifications of all comments made to the post, to help keep up on it, or if you're only interesting in one thread (say, Fact checks, and not the WIP or beta), each individual comment should have the option as well.)