Dragon Age Keep Open Beta!

Oct 29, 2014 07:25

Stealing the text for this post from this tumblr post of a fellow beta tester because it's concise and explains pretty much everything you need to know.

Important things to remember:

Origin ID: If you want your wardens and hawkes to sync to the Keep, you must use the same Origin ID you are using when logged in and playing DAO or DA II.

If you don’t have an Origin ID: You’ll need to create one, so you can sync up DAI when it is launched.

Remember what email address you used for your Origin account! You’ll have to make sure you have access to it.

Another thing to note is that some mods can cause issues with synching or having the console enabled (PC).

Getting into the Keep:

+ Make sure you are using the same Origin ID/Origin ID you created.
+ Clear cookies/browser cache
+ If using DA Keep on PC, Chrome is the recommended browser, though it works on all browsers and mobile devices. (There are known issues with PS3 and 360 console browsers; they don't support HTML5)

Something is wrong/broken/missing! What do I do?

Use the Beta Feedback tool. It’ll be located in the upper right corner. Feel free to comment on the forums, but using the feedback tool is the best way to let the Keep team know something isn’t quite right.

My Wardens/Hawkes are missing!

See “Syncing” section under the cut and on the forums.

From the Official FAQ:

When is the Keep being released?

The Keep move to open beta starting today! October 29th. While it will still be in beta, the site will be accessible to everyone.

Do I have to pay to use the Keep?

The Keep is online only and is free for everyone. All you need is an Origin ID to log in.


Does the DA Keep import my DAO/DA2 saved games?

No, the DA Keep does not have a save game import feature. Everyone will have to make their plot choices manually in the Keep.

Why are my heroes/accomplishments not loading?

We’re working hard to smooth out any remaining issues with the syncing feature. For more information, check out the 'how to' post.

Saves and World States

How many world states will I be able to create?

Right now, you can create a maximum of 9 world states, but that number will increase to 10 in the future.

Can I share my world states with people not on my Friends List?

You’ll have to add a friend first to share your world state with them. For instructions on how to add friends, see the tutorial.

What about if I played all Dragon Age games/DLCs on the same platform?

It still won’t direct import. But, if you played different Dragon Age games or DLCs on different platforms then the intention is for the Keep to recognize that regardless of how/where/what/when you played. However, you do not need to have played DLCs to set any choices on Keep related to them.

How will Dragon Age: Inquisition know what choices I have made in the Keep?

There is a World State Manager in the Keep that allows you to mark a World State for import into Inquisition with the click of a button. When you start a new game in Dragon Age: Inquisition you will then have an option to import from Keep. It’s that easy!

Can I have more than one world state?

Yes, you can create and save up to 9 world states in the Keep (though we are looking at increasing that number to 10). So for example, if you want to create a Darkest Timeline where everyone dies, you can.

Are there explanations/context for choices?

Yes, there will be some context and backstory available to help newcomers or to jog your memory when making a choice in the Keep.

Your Heroes

Is there a character creator?

Sadly not. The Keep will attempt to recognize your Wardens and Hawkes from previous playthroughs so they can be reflected as part of your history, but you won’t be able to edit appearances or customize new characters.

Wait, so I’ll be able to see my Wardens and Hawkes in the Keep?

Yes, but it’s only a 2D image that is uploaded to the site to act as an avatar for your hero. No other character data is imported into the Keep. We should mention that importing your custom Warden or Hawke will not have any impact on Inquisition. You can switch from one of the defaults in the Keep to your custom Warden or Hawke at anytime.

Will the Keep take classes/specializations into account for my hero?

Classes, race, gender and origin story are taken into account for your hero, yes. However, specializations are not. As the Keep continues to grow and evolve, it may be something added in the future, but currently its focus is on hero data that impacts the world choices.

Characters and Plots

Why isn’t a particular plot point or character in the Tapestry?

If there’s a plot point you feel is important to the Dragon Age universe, use the Keep Beta Feedback Tool and let us know!

Are choices from Dragon Age mods able to be made or imported in?

Unfortunately not. At this time we are not including choices from DA mods, but that may change going forward.

Why can’t I select more character/companion traits?

Things like ‘rivalmances’ and ‘hardened’ characters are being taken into consideration, but they’re technically complex and we have to make sure what we have currently works well.

Will all the choices in the DA Keep show up in DAI?

Not all the choices in the DA Keep will be reflected in DAI. However, the benefit to having the DA Keep is that all these choices could be made available to future products or titles.

Why is the auto-solver not letting me make choices that are correct in-game?

If you are experiencing this, please absolutely let us know via the Beta Feedback Tool. There are still some plot inconsistencies, and with your help we can find and fix them.

In Regards to Dragon Age: Inquisition

Do I need to use the Keep before playing Dragon Age: Inquisition?

No, visiting the Keep is not mandatory before playing Inquisition. There is a default World State in the game that will load if you haven’t exported one from the Keep. But if you would like Inquisition to reflect your existing Dragon Age universe, it is recommended you visit the Keep first.

Does every choice in the Keep impact Dragon Age: Inquisition?

Not every choice will impact your playthrough of Dragon Age: Inquisition, however this means we can accommodate importing for future Dragon Age titles.There is also something to be said for faithfully capturing what you did in previous games for the record, regardless of whether that is reflected in a future title.

Will your Dragon Age: Inquisition playthrough decisions be directly imported into the Keep, or will you have to go back and select them again?

If you are online while playing Dragon Age: Inquisition (or the next time you go online), your story choices will be sent to the Keep

For more information and updates, follow on Twitter @DragonAgeKeep

+ If you have a question that’s not covered by the FAQ, tweet it with the tag #keeptwitch and we might answer it during our live stream on Fridays!
+ If you need assistance with anything Keep-related, please tweet us with the tag #keephelp!

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