Jul 02, 2004 21:28
Well this week has been relatively uneventful
First i worked ALL week.. Got called into Blockbuster tuesday night after i had already worked 8 hours earlier at my other job. I work tomorrow (sat morn) an then at night at blockbuster. Monday is my first day off from either job in a month! I think i got a free lance client too. =) yay. Other than that things are going pretty good. Started talkin to some old friends from central art class. I think i'm gonna fly upto Jersey in September to visit a good friend. Other than that not too much else.
This movie is very random.... it doesn't have any background music.. Pretty good tho. Sean Penn rocks, so does Benicio Deltoro or however u spell it..
My friend needs to come back from Mexico... i've managed to keep her stinky turles an lil fishys alive so far. Ugh lost my schedule for school so i gotta go there some day an get a new one.. FUN.
They say we all loose 21 grams at the exact moment we die. We all do.
But how much is gained...