Title: Time To Pretend
Fandom: Green Day
Pairing: Billie/Mike
Rating: T / PG-13 / FRT
Words: 980
Summ: Billie had promised he'd never do it, so how come Mike is the one who feels guilty?
Warn: Drugs, slash, manipulation.
D/c: False.
On a side note, when trying to think of a title, "Pot, Rocks, and Coke" came to mind. XD
Inspired by the MGMT song, so I guess it's an appropriate name.
Sorry it's been a while since I've been around the comm. I've been trying to stop by at least once in a while. This whole school thing gets in the way of life...
I'll work on avatars when I get time and HD space on my comp...
I have more wonderful art from Lucky which I will try to get around to in the near future.
This was spur of the moment, so let me know how you like it.
Also a dif. POV/writing style for me. I kinda like it.
I'm done rambling now.
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He’d promised me. He’d fucking promised. Mikey, I promise, I won’t do that shit. It fucks you up. Little prick.
See, it was like this:
I knew he was having a hard day. So of course, I came to see him after dinner. I figured he could use a toke and a buddy. But when I go to his room, I walk in on him on his bed, laying against the wall, eyes rolled back in his head, trying to either see the ceiling, or his brain. The fucker had a mirror across his legs with a razor blade sitting on it and a rolled up dollar in one fist.
What the fuck is this, Billie? He’d looked up with wide eyes the second I’d opened the door.
I swear, I just wanted to try it. He spoke so fast that I thought he was gonna choke on his tongue.
Hey, asshole, what happened to your promise? He’d began looking around the room, his ADD completely making him lose whatever I was saying. I could tell that he probably had a million thoughts bombarding him and my voice was most likely lost in the blender that made up his brain.
C’mon man! I got an idea. He jumped up, sending the mirror flying to the ground. He came foreword and grabbed me, but I pulled away. C’mon! Quit wasting time! I swear to god he was bouncing on his toes, trying to resist pulling me wherever he wanted me to go.
Sit down. I’d ordered him, knowing it would be one of the toughest things for him to do right now. Needless to say, he didn’t do it.
But Mike! I got an idea... He whined again, those strung-out eyes pleading at me.
No, man. Not tonight. I’m going home. I left him, not listening to whatever he was rambling about behind me. I feel a little guilty for closing the door on him, but he promised... And I don’t care if I sound like a child right now. I’m still pissed at him.
Mike’s phone rang and he knew it would be Billie Joe. He ignored it, but when the ringing stopped, he knew that his mother had picked up the line downstairs. Sure enough, ten seconds later, she was calling up to him. He sighed and stared at the phone with loathing before picking up.
“Got it, Mom.” There was a click as she hung up and Mike was silent, waiting for Billie to beg or grovel or joke, or whatever he was calling to say.
“Hey Mike.” He said softly, and Mike heard the guilt in his voice.
“Hi.” He answered coldly. He heard Billie sigh.
“Mikey, please. Don’t be mad at me. I-I just... it was an awful day, you’ve gotta understand.” Mike shook his head, and even though he couldn’t see it, Billie knew he was doing so.
“That’s why I came to see you, dick face.” Mike’s insult didn’t hold much anger, being unable to stay hurt and upset at his best friend’s soothing voice. Billie was quiet for a moment. “Why’d you do it?” Mike asked softly, finally breaking the silence.
“Wanted to see what would happen.” He answered simply. “Thought that the day couldn’t get any worse, so why not?”
“How’d you even get it?”
“Had it.” Mike’s eyes stung at that one.
“And you never told me?” Billie shrugged to himself and Mike shook his head again in disbelief. Again they were quiet until Billie broke it.
“I think you’d like it.” He said offhandedly.
“'I’d like it?' Bullshit! It can kill you the first time you do it! You damn well know that!” Billie sniffled and suddenly, Mike’s heart sank.
“Please don’t hate me.” Billie whispered into his end of the phone and Mike closed his eyes sadly.
“I could never hate you.” He finally answered when he heard Billie sniffle again and knew he was crying. Why did Mike feel so bad? Billie was the one who broke his promise. This was blatant manipulation and Mike knew it. But he couldn’t stand Billie hurt.
“I love you Mikey...” Billie hesitated, but continued his thought. “But I’m not sorry.” Mike squeezed his hand in a fist, having had a feeling Billie was thinking that.
“Please tell me you won’t do it again.” Mike begged. Billie was silent. He may not always tell the truth to Mike, but he wouldn’t flat out lie.
“I love you Mikey.” He instead repeated and Mike’s eyes leaked with small tears. “Do you still love me?” Mike hit the nearest wall and ran his fist over his cheeks to wipe away the tears.
“Yeah.” He answered softly, knowing that he loved Billie more than anyone in the world, knowing that this was the reason that he was so worried for him. “Yeah, I do.”
“Are you crying?” Billie’s sad voice echoed in his ear.
“No.” Mike lied, trying to keep the tightness from his voice.
“You’re a bad liar, Mikey.” Mike could hear the tears shaking Billie’s breath and it made him feel even worse. Billie would never do anything to hurt him purposely. “Please don’t hate me...” A soft sob hit Mike and he shook his head at the thought that Billie was probably curled up on his bed alone and crying into the phone, much like he was.
“I don’t hate you.” He insisted. “I’ve-I’ve gotta go.”
“Tell me you love me.” Billie begged and Mike had to give in, just like he always did.
“I love you Billie. I’ll see you tomorrow...” Mike hung up the phone and cried into his pillow until he fell asleep. Billie on the other hand, was across town, rolling up a joint and staring out the window, twisting a tiny plastic bag filled with white powder between his fingers. He had no intentions of sleeping tonight...
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Don't hate me?
I feel like I could easily continue this and make some dark, twisted fic...
I hadn't intentionally meant for it to be this dark, but you know, when you get writing things just happen...
Lastly, check out my previous post for a link to my deviantART page.
-J X