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May 19, 2008 12:40

Day 2 of actual content.

So to update, I've gone through a couple of jobs since the last time I bothered to post anything of real note, not counting the long period of time I was doing temp work at warehouses. For a while, it was page work at the library, which basically consists of "take de book off de cart, put de book on de shelf." It's actually more fun that it sounds, mostly because I'm an obsessive compulsive sort who actually has fun organizing shit on shelves, but there was no chance at permanency with it. The library, deciding that pages were expendable (but they'll be sorry when they're first against the wall when the revolution starts the pages finally get around to unionizing), absolutely refused to let pages work more than 15 hours a week. If they DID, they'd have to pay benefits.

I needed benefits. So I had to leave a job I liked for something a little more practical.

Medical transciption pluses: Working at home saves me money on gas, especially during this fucktarded period of "HAY, I'M PUTTING A DS GAME INTO MY GAS TANK." Furthermore, it does provide a 401k (ho snap) and medical insurance (which, considering I just turned 25 this year, I needed badly).

Medical transcription minuses: They may have gone through medical school, but some doctors are just DIPSHITS when it comes to dictation. Also, the pay's more or less minimum wage, and the person who looks over my stuff can be really sodding pissy over e-mails. Needless to say, once I've got 6 months in on this job, I'm hunting around for something better -- preferably something that doesn't steal away my precious, precious evening hours.

But the doctors will still mumble. Blah.
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