Mar 16, 2006 19:06
So. Here I am, contemplating the future and what I could manage to do. My goals?
Alright, here goes.
1) Become a top-notch Chiropractor.
2) Open a franchise chain of "In & Out" and "El Pollo Loco" in Oregon and Washington.
3) Open a couple of pool halls in various places/states.
4) Own/Part own a fishing boat.
5) Manage a successful stock portfolio.
6) Use the above to maintain a constant influx of money capable of satisfying my desires to travel and spend while being able to take care of my friends as well. Plus I'll have tons of places to eat :D
The military seems to be a viable method of obtaining the starting finances to do this, as well as paying for the transfer degree for my chiro (pre-req). It's slightly complicated, but if pulled off properly I would be able to enlist with a specific set-up, get 2 years (solid years) of intensive training, followed by 2 years of ROTC and my AA in phys therapy. That's 4 straight, leaving me with an officer position, no real time in the military for dangerous actions (i.e. the war), and if it's a 6/2 and not a 4/4 sign up, then the next two will also be done as an officer, while getting my bachelors paid for. In addition, it'll be in the guard instead of active standard. And on top of that, following school can be taken to get all of my grad school completed if the cards are played right, without my paying tuition (while military pays for my boarding). That'll finish off the school, no debt, all bonus' into my pocket, tuition payed, boarding payed, and my military career over as an officer and seriously kickass training through the pathfinder course. And I can get all my cash payed at the end of my discharge since I won't be needing cash anyfuckinway.
But should I?
*sighs* Concepts and choices....
Any thoughts?