This Obligatory Team Update Bought to you by the Words FUCK and YES.

Apr 02, 2010 19:26


I finally got my HeartGold team finished aw yeah. I also finally beat Blue and Imma training for Red. Haha, I play games way too fast. I CAN'T HELP IT, TOGEKISS KILLS EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES. Same with Dragonite now that I evolved it. FLAMETHOWERAN AND THUNDERBOLTAN EVERYTHING. AW YEA

Toutou/Feraligatr (Male)- Asdf, I almost thought he was useless, as he has no decent moves atm, and then he took out Blue's level 60 Pidgeot with the magic of a STABed, Torrented waterfall. Also I may or may not have started with Totodile because I think Silver is adorable with Chikorita.
Toge-Tan/Togekiss (Female)- Kills everything. Ever. It took me FUCKING HOURS of Pokeathalon-ing to get enough points for the Dawn Stone to evolve this fucker but it was WORTH IT. Air Slash/Extrasensory/Flamethrower/Aura Sphere = EVERYTHING DIES.
Mofuwa/Ampharos (Male)- I had to fill a spot on my team after realizing Skiploom was shit, and then WILD FLAAFY APPEARS and I'm like WHY THE FUCK NOT. I've never had a Ampharos before and Mofu does not disappoint. He will fuck your shit up, yo!
Wriggle/Butterfree (Female)- Butterfree's my favourite bug type, but it's pretty much only good for status effects >: But I can't let her go because that would remind me of that goddamn anime episode.  NO BUTTERFREE, DON'T DIEEE~ D8
Ryuuka/Dragonite (Female)- Do you know how hard it is to train a Dragonair to level 55. And then dragon claw happens and it's worth it.
Kain/Houndoom (Male)- Most underlevelled (Only at 45 atm) but he's strong enough to hold his own against most types. I needed something to kill ice-types dead and Houndoom seemed like the best option :T

Also Silver is so mai Waifu oh god. I WANT TO HUG HIM AND PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE AT THE SAME TIME. And then you go to Dragon's Den and he wants to double battle with you AND THEN I MELT. Shortly followed by me getting raped into the ground by Lance and Clair hurr.

AND ON A COMPLETELY UNRELATED NOTE does anyone on my Flist read Hanna is Not a Boys Name? Because you really should. I am a slowpoke and just started reading it yesterday and holy shittt. It is fucken awesome. And I'm pretty sure that Veser is secretly Viral. They have the same pointy teefs/weird eyes/woobie personality. AND I ALSO LOVE THEM BOTH~ I am totally not boy crazy what are you talking about. And as soon as I start reading it I see a thread for it on /y/ and that's why Koneko is an incredibly depressing human being with a homoerotic cartoon porn folder several megabytes larger in size then yesterday HURRR

rocks fall everyone's gay, !games:pokemon, ranting

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