Fic writing: Ideas are not the problem!

Jan 03, 2009 12:53

I have the flu from hell. Got five hours of sleep last night, and three the night before. Turns out the only cold medicine I had around had an expiration date in 2006, and I had to work for 10 hours before I could buy more. And I was sucking down cough drops the entire time which, if memory serves, I bought during the trip to NY in '04. *wince* Plus, I made my jello with too much water and it didn't set properly, but by the time I realized that, I couldn't bring myself to go out and find any other food.

Thus endeth the tale of woe. (I am vertical and showered now, so that helps)

I am afraid to watch Vegas. Partly because I heard all about the premise and missing characters, and, you know, that sounds like a sort of awesome mid-season one-off episode... but not right now! Not so close to the end! Also because it brings us one closer to The End, and I can't bear it. It's like last year, when I refused to watch the season endings of Torchwood or Supernatural for almost two months.

So I was reading some of the punditfic over at Yuletide (I've developed a not-so-secret weakness for punditfic, to go along with my not-so-secret weakness for Rachel Maddow), and you know what I want? I want "Rachel covers it" fic. I don't care what "it" is. "Martians land on the White House lawn.... and Rachel covers it!" "Nanobots escape from supersecret labs and plunge the world into the grey goo apocalypse... and Rachel covers it!" "A caped superhero starts saving people and battling his nemesis on Manhattan... and Rachel covers it!" "Zombie uprising destroys New York... and Rachel covers it!" "Torchwood LA goes public... and Rachel covers it, which involves interviewing the head of Torchwood Cardiff on her show, and swapping mixed-drinks recipes with him at the bar afterwards while oogling hot girls!" "The Stargate program goes public... and Rachel covers it, which involves interviewing Sam Carter with lots of excited smart-girl talk and flirting!" Really. Anything. Any event, no matter how crazy or mundane. ("Governor of Smithtown, MO caught doing the drunken hula on top of cars in the Safeway parking lot. Let's hear Rachel and Kent snark about it!") Any crossover, no matter how wacky. ("outrageous sports event happens, and she brings Dan and Casey on to comment on it!")

I want this to be a WHOLE GENRE. With Kent singing snarky showtunes and Ana Marie Cox giggling and flirting with her a lot, and Keith being all angry and blustery, and occasionally Jon and Stephen show up for humor value, and they all sit around playing Uno and drinking a lot and it would be this great "wacky happenings as seen through the lens of the banter of drunken pundits."

And the one of these that I want more than anything? "President Bartlett is in office... and Rachel covers it!" Just imagine. She can interview Joey Lucas! Or have Ainsley Hayes on. She would LOVE Ainsley- they would snipe at each other like nobody's business, but there's nothing like somebody smart who can hold up their end of a really bloody argument. I want Ainsley and Rachel and Ana-Marie sitting around drinking pink squirrels and having it out about, like, school vouchers or something. With lots of giggly flirting. And Kent snarks about Sam Seaboune's call-girl adventures. Rachel fangirls Roberto Mendoza. Jon and Stephen make cameos, and write their jokes about how happy the administration is about the smaller-than-expected budget surplus. Keith and Rachel have insightful discussions about the rather prickly relationship between the president and vice-president. Rachel does a segment on the Stackhouse filibuster. The whole pundit gang tries to deal with how to cover the shooting.

If there was a way for this to end Rachel/CJ, I would die happy. Smart women power!

(Yes. I know. I just outlined the Mary Sue to end all Mary Sues. Don't worry, I won't actually do it. Just... *wistful*)

life, plot bunnies

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