You know, I thought my political obsession would die down once the election was over. But no! All this (as Palin would put it) inside baseball stuff is fucking FASCINATING. The debate over Lieberman's committee chairmanship and caucus status, the question of whether Obama's transition team is leaking too much or remarkably little, the antics in the Alaksa and Minnesota Senate races, the musical-chairs game of cabinet posts and the resulting shuffles in committee chairs, the G20 meeting and associated one-president-at-a-time problems, the Clinton for Secretary of State rumors and retractions and analyses...
Politics is fucking fascinating, and I find it more so every year.
It's lucky Rachel talked about John Boehner on air. It's pronounced Bay-ner, apparently. Well. That's that problem avoided, then. *g*
Rahm Emmanuel is really, seriously, scorching hot. In that "You are batshit crazy and I am a little terrified of you and I can't understand why Mr. Bipartisan-pants Obama would appoint you, but awesomecakes!" sort of way. I mean, he pretty much had me at "model for Josh Lyman," (because: hot), but the more I read the more he sounds like a really unbelievable character in a slapstick show. But isn't it a little weird how much attention is being paid to Chief of Staff? I really don't remember this from the Clinton-Bush transition. I mean, I kind of had to wrack my brains to come up with Andy Card, and it took Google for me to come up with Josh Bolton. So is it that the country and media are just paying a ridiculous amount of attention to Obama's transition? Or is it that I'm personally just way more politics obsessed than I was eight years ago? Or is it that Rahm Emmanuel is just that crazy?
Whatever. Between Rahm and Barack? Best White House Ever.
I've rewatched like 10 hours of my Yuletide canon, and I had forgot quite what utterly epic levels of ass it kicks. I love this even more than I remembered. My Yuletide recipient finally posted her Santa letter... asking for EXACTLY what I was already (tentatively) planning. So far, this Yuletide business just wins.
Tomorrow remember to
Join the Impact- anti Prop-8 protests in dozens of major cities, starting at 1:30 pm EST. Find the details for you city now.
Oh my God, my employment woes, y'all have no idea. *cries*