I have been gorging on post-VVC vids

Aug 21, 2008 13:59

I am so freakin sad about the cancellation of SGA. I mean, I will miss those characters! But then again, SGA is pretty much the epitome of a "fic is better than the show" fandom, and I almost like SGA better the less of it I watch, so, you know...

The con reports from VVC are pouring in, and I am so jealous. It would never have occurred to me to try to go to VVC- I am so not a vid-fan, and vids tend to make me feel like a total dummy. But I've been reading all the recs and watching the vids online and lots of them are spectacular. No joke. And all the con reports sound like so much fun!

Vid recs: Let's go from cutest/fluffiest on up, shall we?
-Let There Be Guns, where a hilarious parody song + awesome clips of SG1 and SGA with really, really, amusingly big guns + the incongruous non-violence/anti-escalation message combine for giggle-inducing results.
- I Enjoy Being a Girl, because non-traditional femininity is FUN.
- Affirmation, which is a squeeful love song to Dr. Who and Torchwood set to a song I absolutely adore, with lyrics matching to die for (especially watch out for "I believe that trust is more important than monogamy." In a fandom with, you know, Jack Harkness. Hee).
- I Want You (She's So Heavy), which mashes SPN together with zombie movies to create a whole little constructed-reality incestuous zombie-stripper apocalypse grindhouse slasher horror-porn Thing. DUDE.
- Hourglass, which uses ONLY footage from the time-loop episodes of many, many different shows (I recognized Trek:TNG, SPN, SG1, Early Edition, Buffy, and Groundhog Day, but there were TONS) to comment on genre tropes. Be sure to read the fascinatingly thought-provoking linked author's notes.
- Handlebars, which is a brilliant meta commentary on the character of the Doctor, moving from the little-boy glee we love so much through truly dark, scary, arrogant, all-powerful immaturity, and back to a final shot of fluffy gleeful joy, which turns seriously creepy with the recontextualization. Freaky-good problematization of canon in vid form.
-And, most of all, Supersmart. This vid is beyond brilliant. It's SGA but also meta-fandom, and moves from being a celebration of the women of SGA, to being something about our appropriation/feminization of male characters, to being a celebration of fandom itself and our use of canon to further our own talents/creativity. Those shifts of subject matter are perfect and I am stunned by how well the whole thing hangs together and how the meta arguments are so clear and perfect and unified on re-watching. I never feel like I can even start to "get" vids, but this one leaves me jumping up and down going "Yes! THIS! Right there! Yes!" even if I can't articulate it all.

There are tons of vids that I just cannot wait to get online: (This list serves as my reminder of the ones I'm still waiting for)
-"Did You" by destina I have seen reccd as both a team-shippy ensemble vid and a Jack/Daniel vid, with the commentary that even "classic slash" shippy vids at VVC seemed to show a greater awareness of the couple's place in a team dynamic- I am interested.
-"Mission Report," by lim, with a song written and sung by the vidder and positing Athosian culture as oral and poetry/song based.
-"How much is that Geisha in the Window," the "Fuck you, Joss Whedon" vid, by lierdumoa.
-"My Rights Versus Yours" by f1renze, because Slings&Arrows seems (second only to Aaron Sorkin shows) to be a totally unviddable fandom, but apparently this is good and I really want to see it. ETA: here
-"Why Walk When You Can Fly" by wickedwords and sherrold, because Rodney and (especially) John finding family and belonging on the SGA team is the soul of the show for me.
-And lastly, and most of all, "Climbing Up the Walls" by obsessive24, which is apparently a SPN/Firefly/Heroes comparative incest vid. No, really, and apparently it is brilliant and dark and disturbing and I want to watch it so freaking badly that if it doesn't go online soon I might just die. ETA: here, and it is every bit as stunning as I'd heard.

Particularly notable con reports/vid recs: astolat's here (with a very good analysis of Handlebars), the-shoshanna's here (with a fabulous close read of "climbing up the walls"), and kassrachel's here (which is where most of my to-watch list comes from).

tv: sga, tv: spn, recs, meta, recs: vids, tv: sg1, tv: doctor who, fandom, tv: torchwood

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