Untitled Ronon fic, NC-17, 2300 words, Warning: AMTDI (with the dub-con that implies).
Unbeta'd, so please do tell me if I have spinach in my teeth.
AN:There are a couple things I've wanted to see done in a AMTDI for a long time. One of them is a guy who really is straight, in an experience that isn't total porntastic awesomeness. (The other
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First: The McShep came through! *happy*
Second: All the things you say about Ronon's voice are useful, here- some of it was a conscious choice for the character or for the situation (I meant him to be intensely observant, but not feel the need to consciously articulate a lot of it, or examine his own feelings too closely- and yeah, his reaction to this is pretty damn blank) but some bits are obviously me missing a mark (the idea that John is *merely* compatriot, your impression of more bored than stoic)
Mostly that was just really the most helpful comment I could have asked for, is all. And you REALLY should watch SGA far enough to see the character integrated into the SGA team- he's damn interesting (and damn hot)
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