I had the most incredibly awesome time on Thursday with
miriad and Katie. It's... awesome. Yaay for local friends, and somebody to share my cheese obsessions, and good conversation, and YAAY. Seriously. Plus, I think we will hold an orphan Thanksgiving with
miriad and Katie and I and... maybe some other people she knows? Maybe at my place, maybe at those other people's? (if there are other people, it will need to be at their place, because mine is really only big enough for four comfortably). An orphan Thanksgiving sounds utterly awesome to me. There will be Guitar Hero 3, Apples to Apples (plus I'll bring some other games) and
miriad has promised really good pumpkin pie and I am just SO HAPPY about this whole thing 'cause I was so sure this Thanksgiving was going to suck for me.
miriad a lot, for being awesome to the lonely out-of-towner*
Plus, the last two SPN episodes were awesome beyond all possible belief. You know, over hiatus I was SO convinced the third season was going to just lose all the magic, as they tried to make a leap to a whole new arc and a format with more recurring characters and ditch the bro-emo-togetherness-angst altogether and I was so sure I would end up saying "So long, SPN, and thanks for all the porn" but instead, the third season has (with the one striking dissapointment of The Magnificent Seven) been of uniformly higher quality than the second and the awesomeness only continues ramping up. Jared is doing so well with really good character development (I'm so proud of him!) and Jensen continues to be a god among actors and Sterling just kicked the ass of that last episode and Bela is actually a good character who stands on her own rather than existing for the purposes of the Winchesters. And, going back a week, Dean's "don't objectify me!" was perhaps the most perfect line spoken on TV EVER and makes me want to just pet him and say "Oh darling, that ship has sailed." The show is still Not Subtle but all the thematic anvils are utterly working for me, and our two bro-emo-togetherness moments in Fresh Blood just proved that Sera Gamble owns my heart and soul forever and ever.
*flails a little in sheer joy*
Seriously, no media- book, movie, TV, nothing- has given me this much sheer JOY in my entire life. Hell, I'm counting the great loves like Tolkien and Wolfe and the fun ones like Harry Potter and Indiana Jones and everything. I've never gotten as much joy from anything as from SPN.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Richard Kiyosaki
I find this book frustrating, because it is going hard against all of my most basic personality instincts. My parents raised me (and yeah, it is a fundamental personality thing as well) to want to save every penny I can, stick is somewhere super-safe (diversified, passively-managed indexes, no?) at 5% and just try to do all the right, safe, smart things to try to keep my head above water that way. The thing is, that none of the information in this book is remotely new to me. Even most of the basic ways of thinking (assets versus liabilities) aren't new. The secret isn't information or a way of thinking- it's a personality, and for all his "that means anyone can do it!" I find that way more frightening and intimidating. Because new information is easy. A new personality may very well be impossible.
Anyway, it makes me antsy, because... if I'm able to do this whole new thing at all, I need to start NOW, because it would be hard and take a huge amount of learning and I will screw it up many times and so what the hell am I doing sitting on my ass? Because if I sit on my ass I will keep doing that until the day I die because it's scary. So... antsy. Like I have, you know, maybe a one-month window of motivation before it will be too frightening and I'll lapse into wanting to be safe, because at the very least I know myself.