(no subject)

Oct 11, 2014 14:22

So basically I just crave good meaty thinky discussion of TV, from people who care about narrative and character and FEELS. And the thing is - where does one get that, outside of dreamwidth? There must be places, but occasional isolated snippets on facebook and the comments section of the AV Club just Do Not Cut It.

1. All the Feels about Doctor Who. So much potential in Capaldi, and Clara is so wonderful now that she’s being treated seriously as a character, and so much potential in Danny Pink (and his status as a soldier and all of the self-loathing, lack-of-self-awareness Issues that this doctor has). And the way they dealt with the Doctor’s age managed to be very meta without tipping into the expected misogyny against the fanbase was a nice surprise.

This season has seen pretty much the best concept ever, even if execution was slack (Time Heist) and one of the all-time good episodes (Listen). But then... this Kill the Moon thing. I don't even know. Deeply conflicted, too many feels, head spinning, cannot sort through them, except that I am sure that at the end there I want to stand up and cheer for Clara. Where are all the crunchy Dr. Who reaction posts? Who’s got some?

2. Similarly All the Feels about Transparent. It’s really quite extraordinary, and the thing that makes it truly amazing is that it’s not just a drama about early transition or a show to educate people about trans folks. It’s way more twisty and interesting than that, and Maura manages to be the calm (and slyly hilarious) center of her fascinatingly screwed-up family. All the reactions I’ve seen to it outside the fandom space are all social-justice-y and “yaay for representation” and “yaay for centering the experience of a trans person” and that’s all good and necessary and stuff, but it’s a boring take on a captivating show. How much more eager would people be to watch this if promotion of it was less “Here, a show about a marginalized person, take your medicine and watch it” and more “This is a surreal and thinky and screamingly funny show about a tight-knit family that is severely dysfunctional in entertaining ways”?

3. Am re-watching Gilmore Girls like every other human being on the planet, apparently, because yaay Netflix. Conclusion: I am now significantly closer in age to Lorelai than Rory, and reacting to their stories accordingly. This is terrifying.

This entry was originally posted at http://dragojustine.dreamwidth.org/137038.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

tv: gilmore girls, tv: doctor who

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