Apocalypse No

May 22, 2011 09:48

Because I would be remiss if I didn't pass it on, The Periodic Table of Storytelling. There should totally be some kind of random-element-generator prompt meme, Y/N?

cofax7, the Guardian is doing some kind of SF thing.

Calvin & Hobbes futurefic gets me right where I live. Have Hobbes and Bacon part one and two.

When the Rapture failed to happen yesterday (or maybe it did and there just weren't enough Godly people on the East coast for anybody to notice?) I ended up celebrating by re-reading old favorite apocafic. That was lovely and cathartic. A non-fannish friend was baffled by this, and I ended up trying to explain the appeal of the trope to him. Weirdly, all my attempts to explain it ended up focusing on what a happy trope it is, which I am aware sounds positively brain-damaged of me. But it is - much really good apocafic ends up in the "surprised by joy" emotional category, the one where the worst happens and the world ends and everything is gone and yet... somehow, out the other side of it, there is life and hope and love, and watching the characters realize that they have lost everything but the one thing they didn't even know they really needed. In my experience, nuclear annihilation makes for a damn fine love story.

The following recs are all old favorite apocafics. (I have many new-to-me shiny apocafics open in tabs now... tonight will be fun)

The Joy That You Find Here You've Borrowed by
paian. Jack/Daniel. This is breathtaking, grandiose in scale, and deeply enmeshed in canon. It also just perfectly hits the conflicted emotional notes I want in apocafic- heartbreaking and and wrenchingly tragic and beautiful and full of fragile, bittersweet hope.

This is not Wartime, by
cofax7. A longish series and it's been a long time since I've read, but I'd be remiss not to include it.

The Hard Prayer by Rheanna27 McKay/Sheppard. They are both so damaged, and need each other so much, and the ending turns the world upside-down with incredible impact in so few words.

SG1/SGA crossover
At the Hour When We Are Trembling by frostfire-17 John Sheppard/Daniel Jackson. The Wraith make it to earth. Daniel's characterization in this is just perfect, and she does an amazing job selling me on a Not My Pairing- it's just obvious from the first moment John and Daniel meet each other in this, exactly how and why they will fit together.

There's No Such Thing as Daniel Jackson by
eleveninches McKay/Sheppard. Anubis detonates the gate and destroys North America, leaving the planet under nuclear winter and the remains of the SGC fighting from under Siberia. The plot in this one, seriously, wow. Sheppard's outsider POV at the start is great, and seeing him piece together the history of SG1 and Daniel is wonderful.

The Last Outpost of All That Is by eighth-horizon. Sam/Dean. The most beautiful desolation ever.

Battering Ram by
astolat. Sam/Dean. The first sentence of this has possibly the most effective impact in all of fanfic. So amazing.

Future Legend by winterlive. Adam/Kris. Absolutely great post-apocalypse culture-building anthropology fic.

House of the Living by
astolat. Adam/Kris. This is less apocalyptic than the others, because it's localized - but that means that the first 2/3rd are a note-perfect zombie trope fic, but the last 1/3rd is an absolutely amazing thing about PTSD and how you can't go home again.

Does anyone have others for me? Good Inception apocalypse would make my day. I would especially love some in a non-SF fandom... God, can you imagine a really lengthy, plotty West Wing apocafic? Why doesn't that exist?

So I am no longer a 1L, and being 1/3rd of the way through law school just feels creepy. Things go faster than they're supposed to sometimes. Last week I moved down to DC and started my summer job, which I don't think I'll specify here because they may or may not actually get my name up on their website this summer (if you're curious message me and I'm happy to talk). But it's a very small LGBT-related DC policy shop working on something I really care about with awesome people. I was somewhat afraid when I took it that it wouldn't really be substantively legal enough to be good experience this summer (I had another offer that would have had me in court pretty much all summer). But as it turns out I just spent a week up to my elbows in administrative law research and I keep getting to sit in on really really interesting meetings so I think I'm looking forward to the rest of the summer.

This entry was originally posted at http://dragojustine.dreamwidth.org/131773.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

recs: spn, life, recs: sg1, recs, recs: sga, recs: misc, first kill all the lawyers, recs: glam, fandom

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