But why CAN'T I live on both coasts at once?

Mar 22, 2011 10:13

I have not been around. I miss you all. Will be at Muskrat Jamboree in two weeks, if anyone else on my flist will be? Limited participation in fandom due to serious and mounting procrastiation problem and associated guilt.

I just spent spring break in San Francisco, which was kind of amazing. The actual job was fascinating and informative if depressing (memo, for anyone who has been utterly not paying attention: California's capital punishment system is screwed up).

But the city was just beautiful. It reminded me of Seattle in tons of ways, minor and unexpected and intangible- the bay and the hills and the smell of rain and salt water and the trees along the sidewalks and the little brick pedestrian plazas and the coffee shops. It felt like Seattle but all stretched out and grown up and provided with actual public transit, and it made me homesick and made me fall in love and got added within two days to the (distressingly long) list of cities where I want to live and that I miss when I'm away from. Goddammit. who made this rule that you can only live in one city at once?

Adam Lambert's Glam Nation Live CD just hit today (and you can listen online). I feel a little ridiculous about being the sort of fangirl who pays $17 for a CD of songs I not only already have, but already purchased, but apparently that is the type of fangirl I am. I just desperately needed a good sound quality copy of 20th Century Boy, because my favorite current artist covering my favorite song from one of my favorite movies (because it's his favorite song from his favorite movie too)? That is the stuff fangirl flail is made of.

Have a fic rec: I love slave fic. I can't help it. I love it- I love the ones that are modern day AU and the ones that are pseudo-historical. I love the crazy-BDSM-institutions ones and the sex slavery ones and the regular old not-sex-specific slavery ones. I love the ones with angsty morally tormented owners and the ones with oblivious owners. I love the ones that are contractual and voluntary and the ones that are outright non-con and the ones that are sappy slow-build falling-in-love dealing-with-the-dubcon ones. So I give you Patience, a Steady Hand, by Helenish. It's the best kind of pseudo-historical, cheerfully anachronistic but detailed and immersive, and it's got the most amazing slow build and fascinating characters and a happy ending that made me sniffly.

This entry was originally posted at http://dragojustine.dreamwidth.org/130077.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

recs: inception, recs, travel, glittery alien from planet fierce, i am a dork

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