The state of the me

Dec 17, 2010 22:21

Christmas! I got fantastic cards from
sid and
stultiloquentia and
jenrose, and
erda, who sent me a magnet, and
squirelawrence, whose card is Classy, and
hilarytamar, who I forgot to thank like a week ago.

I love this time of year! Thank you everybody!

School: The semester went astonishingly well. The exams... not so much. My procrastination is still a Problem (I'm doing it right now, in fact). It's all my own fault, and I will do better in Spring.

New York: I love this city beyond all reason. I want to live here forever and ever (this is a lie: I will live many more places in my life, but that doesn't change my total love). Basically, within a week of moving here I walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, and since then I have been just gone. Full on besotted.

New York scratches my built-environment itch like no other American city ever has, and the sheer difference that living someplace truly dense and mixed-use and walkable makes- it's huge. You feel better and healthier and more connected to the world around you and more free and spontaneous and it's just deeply wonderful.

Plus, I love what a deliberate city this is. Nobody just happens to be in New York. As far as I can tell, basically everyone is here because 1) They were raised here and are deeply contemptuous of anyplace else, 2) They have dreamed about living here and worked and sweated and prayed to make it happen, or 3) They are trying like hell to get out. People have Opinions about New York; their relationship to the city is important. It's not just something they write on the address line when they fill out forms. I feel like this makes a huge intangible psychological difference.

The walking makes a huge difference too- you're part of a place when you walk it, in a way you never can be in a car. I'm here because I desperately want to be here, and I'm a part of it, on its streets and in its tunnels and elbowing my way through its crowds and that matters in the landscape of my mind. And it may be freezing cold and sirens go past my window three times a night and milk costs five bucks, but every moment I spend in this city feels like being in love.

I want to spend years and years living in tiny crappy apartments in old brick buildings with broom-closet sized elevators and loud clanky steam radiators and zig-zag fire escapes and paying seven times as much as things should cost and bitching about the weather and the noise and the goddammed tourists who don't know how to keep up a proper walking pace and I want to completely forget about the existence of pedestrian crossing lights and go months and months between times sitting behind a steering wheel and I want to sometimes walk 30 blocks out of my way just because it feels so wonderful to be out in it and I want to take endless excursions to poke around every corner of THIS CITY OMG.

I am in serious danger of becoming one of those insufferable New Yorkers who is deeply and sincerely sorry for anyone who has to live anyplace else. I'm trying to keep it in check, but really.

Fail in the News: I love Sady Doyle.

Narnia: I don't have much to say about the movie (this is a lie: I have a MILLION things to say about the movie, but they're all very predictable and I said them all to
watersword in person). Sure, much of the movie Did It Wrong, and having Caspian aged up so dramatically changes things, but. But they got Reepicheep right, and that's all I cared about.

But I did manage to find two of my old fic recs for
watersword- the one about the magician's book, and the one that is so much more than just a threesome. (And if you ever feel the need for Problem Of Susan fic- and who doesn't?- I reccd four of those over at crack_van too)

Misc Fannish Other: Fannish things I like right now: Leverage, White Collar, Sherlock, Big Bang Theory. Not a spaceship in the bunch. Cry a little tear for me. Am rather glad SGU got cancelled.

Fannishness about Inception just snuck right up on me. I sort of missed it when I watched the movie- I went for Nolan twistiness, and only coincidentally noticed that Arthur was hot like a desperately hot thing, but did not have the goggles on. But there seems to be lots of really good fic.

That said, a question: why is all the Inception fic I've read so far set in the real world? Also, given... you know, Eames, why isn't there so much dreamworld forger porn? I mean, I know he's pretty how he is, but I'm sure there's a story in there about how it starts as just Arthur/Eames-as-woman and takes a really long time to finally move to Arthur/actual!Eames. I'll have to keep looking. And rewatch the movie.

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inception, random, life, tv: white collar, skyscraper national park, tv: leverage

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